The real thing my writing needs…

Published January 6, 2015 by Iphis of Scyros

…is a co-author.  Someone who can write descriptions, and maybe help re-structure stories, but doesn’t have much ability in terms of coming up with stories or writing dialog.  Then I could write the first draft, dialog heavy and description light (or free), and the other person could write the second draft, narrowing and re-shaping the dialog wherever needed, and adding in the descriptions.  And any story re-shaping that was needed could be done collaboratively in the process of the second draft, or that could be the third draft, or whatever.

That’s what I most need, I think.  But I have no idea how to go about getting a co-author.  I don’t know any local writers’ groups.  And I’m not sure I’d trust someone I only knew on-line, not with my novels-in-progress.

Now that I think about it, that’s probably the sort of thing I should have been asking around about on the NaNo forums while the event was going on.  Asking around now would be sort of pointless, ’cause very few people watch the NaNo forums when it’s not NaNo time.  Although maybe during Camp NaNo….?  Yeah, that seems like a good idea.  Although if my plans for the summer pan out, I’ll be taking an intensive language course at a different local university over the summer, so I won’t have time for that.  Ugh.  I’m not sure if it would be more accurate to say that my life sucks, or to say that I suck.  Either way, there is definitely suckage.  Which is apparently not a word, according to my browser’s auto-spell-checker…

2 comments on “The real thing my writing needs…

  • Well I’m definitely not co-author material – but considering I am doing my masters with the hope of becoming an editor (or something like that) – I would be willing to have a look over and make some notes for you. Plus your novel sounds interesting and I do love reading. Feel free to email me.


    • I just got a message on the NaNo forums from a group that’s been alpha and beta reading each other’s work and is willing to let me join them, so hopefully I have some help now (though I haven’t actually replied to the invite yet, ’cause I saw it so late last night that I didn’t feel competent to write a reply) but I’ll certainly keep your generous offer in mind if that doesn’t work out! 🙂


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