
All posts tagged snow

When did this happen?

Published February 24, 2016 by Iphis of Scyros

When I was little, a snow day was the greatest thing ever.  I was always super-excited to have the day off school, like a mini-holiday.  When I got my fancy Tolkien diary, I used it to keep track of important things (rather than as a normal diary) just so I’d always remember when they happened.  And snow days were one of the things I wrote down.  I was that excited to have a day off from school due to snow.  (And by that point, I should mention, I was in high school.)

When the phone rang this morning, and I heard the automated message saying that the campus would be closed all day today due to inclement weather, I was ticked off.  (And that was before I looked at the clock and saw it was 4:30 am!)  The one day of the week when I have class, and the universe chose today to send a nasty snowstorm?  How rude is that?  Not to mention inconvenient!

Worst of all, it’s now not quite noon, and it’s long since stopped snowing.  Plus it’s gotten warmer, so the snow’s already starting to melt.  By the time I would normally leave for class, the roads will be completely clear.  And it might even be raining.

So why am I not going to have class?  This is going to throw the whole freakin’ semester out of whack!

Considering how little time I have, and how much stuff I have to do, between class, the museum, and preparing for April A-to-Z, I shouldn’t complain about class being cancelled.

But I just can’t help it.

I didn’t want to go out in the cold after dark, but I wanted to go to class.  If I don’t go to class, in what way am I a student?

(Worst of all, I didn’t take a picture of the snow this morning.  Because it was only barely below freezing, it was super-wet and sticking to everything, including electric wires and the sides of the railings on my deck.  It looked really pretty, and I meant to get a picture, but then somehow I didn’t.)

I keep hoping the university’s automated thingy will call back and say “oops, we changed our minds, and evening classes will still be held!”  But I suspect that won’t happen.

So…how did this happen?  When did this happen?

How did snow days become an irritation instead of a blessing?  (Especially considering that now I’m the one having to drive in the weather, whatever it is.  You’d think that would make me like them more, not less.)

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