Missing Letter Monday – No B

Published June 6, 2016 by Iphis of Scyros

Also Unsettling and Annoying

Well, I forgot to plan a post for today, so I’m just winging it this week.  No horrendous attempts at poetry, no lengthy tales twisting themselves around to avoid a certain letter:  just some prose, also twisting itself to avoid that letter.

So, yesterday — no, I guess it was Saturday? — well, whenever it was, I came online and was disappointed to see that the little orange dot indicating new activity didn’t include any likes on my latest dolly post, and only one comment, from a recent off-WordPress visitor who started coming around during A-to-Z.  I was disappointed that my closest WordPress pal hadn’t liked the post, yet I quickly decided that she likely just hadn’t come online due to the weekend.  (Despite that the weekend gives her more time, not less.)  When I saw a like from her on someone else’s post as I was going through the new posts in the Reader, I was actually a little hurt, though I should perhaps not admit something so unflattering and childish.

Then I finished reading new posts, went into WP Admin, and was informed, on the dolly side of things, that I had two comments in my spam queue.  I go in to look at them…and one was from the friend in question, and the other was from another frequent WordPress visitor!  WTF was the only response I could come up with.  Neither comment even had any links in them or anything!  (And on visiting the post in question, I saw that it had, in fact, received three likes, and WordPress just decided not to tell me so.)

I started worrying that other actual comments might have gotten deleted entirely as spam, so I switched over my settings so that all messages the system decides are likely spam get put in the queue, instead of letting it delete any outright.

It’s returned to normal since then — the orange dot reported likes on my weekend dolly posts — so perhaps it was just a fluke.  Decidedly unsettling, though, regardless.

So that was the unsettling part.  (The whole post is the random part, naturally.)

Here comes the annoying part, which is much shorter:

I’m afraid I’m getting sick.  I’ve spent most of the morning coughing.  I haven’t gotten sick since 2008.  I really don’t want to start getting sick again!

Also, my arm is acting up worse than ever, and now the inside of the arm as well as the outside feels hot all the time and reacts to the touch of human flesh as if it was red hot iron.  Which makes it very hard to function, given that I’m seriously overweight and it’s therefore extremely difficult to keep my arm from touching the side of my chest.  (I should try to tape them down, ninja-style…)

Oookay…so…random, annoying and unsettling, yet finished, without the non-letter of the week.

I guess I should go check on my laundry.  (Ugh.  Why do I always have to do laundry once a week?  Can’t it just wash itself for a change?  Or perhaps I need to increase the amount of clothes I have to four or five times as many so I can only do laundry once a month…though I might need a larger washing machine then…and it’s too hard to find clothes in my size anyway…so I guess I’m stuck with frequent laundry-washing…)

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